It's that time of year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have released the 2019 Medicare deductibles on October 12th.
Part B covers physician services, certain home health services, outpatient hospital services, durable medical equipment and certain other medical and health services.The 2019 annual deductible for Medicare Part B is $185, a slight increase from $183 which was the deductible in 2018.
Part A covers inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facilities and some home health services. The 2019 annual inpatient hospital deductible for Medicare Part A is $1,364, an increase from $1,340 which was the deductible in 2018. This deductible covers the beneficiaries cost for the first 60 days of covered inpatient hospital care. For days 61-90 the beneficiary must pay a coinsurance amount of $341 per day and must pay $682 per day for lifetime reserve days. The daily coinsurance for beneficiaries in skilled nursing facilities will pay $170.50 per day for days 21-100.
Sources: CMS Newsroom